Terms of Agreement for Track Submission
1. Originality of Tracks: By submitting a track to Electric Sunshine Cult (ESC), the producer affirms that the submitted track is entirely original, and they hold the necessary rights to all components, including but not limited to music, lyrics, and samples.
2. Distribution: ESC has the right to distribute the submitted track(s) through various platforms and channels, including but not limited to online music stores, streaming services, and social media.
3. Monetization: For all revenue generated from the submitted track(s), ESC will retain 30%, and the producer will receive 70%. In the case of a featured artist, the featured artist will receive 30%, and the main artist will receive 40%.
4. Correct Links: Producers are responsible for providing accurate and updated links related to the distribution of their tracks. This includes social media profiles, artist bios, and any other relevant information required for proper attribution.
5. Copyright Infringement: If there is any evidence of copyright infringement related to the submitted track(s), ESC reserves the right to remove the track(s) from its catalog at any time without prior notice. The producer will be solely responsible for any legal consequences arising from copyright infringement.
6. Promotion and Marketing: Producers grant ESC the right to use their name, likeness, and track information for promotional and marketing purposes. This may include but is not limited to social media posts, press releases, and online advertisements.
7. Termination: Either party may terminate this agreement with written notice. Upon termination, ESC will cease distribution of the track(s) within a reasonable timeframe.